Wednesday, April 3, 2013

how do i attain my purpose?

Ninth Moon: Solar Moon of Intention (March 7-April 3)
Totem animal: Jaguar
How do I attain my purpose?

So in the 13-moon calendar that I follow today is the last day of the 9th moon/month. It’s called the ninth Solar Moon of Intention and it always corresponds to Gregorian March 7th-Apirl 3rd. The totem animal is a Jaguar, and the “guide question” for the month is How do I attain my purpose?  

This was a very good question to ask/answer at this point in my life… because not too long ago I started to ACTIVELY ENGAGE my Work in the World.
Ok…let’s pause for a moment…because that sentence all of a sudden seemed very vague to me. Because now that I think about it; I’m not really sure when I started to do this “actively engaging” stuff…

Was it when I first had a vision of being the Mother of the Next Enlightened One (which extended on to thinking that every child born at this day and age could be the next Buddha/Jesus/Mohammed etc)?
Maybe it was when I became a Mother myself…
Was it when instead of pushing through with Yoga teacher training (YTT) I took the Agents of Conscious Evolution course offered by Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of the leading rEvolutionary thinkers alive at this time?
Or, was it when I did the first part of YTT, or when I completed it almost a year after I started?

I first thought it was when I was so breathless thinking about how to step into my new “Yoga Teacher shoes” (you don’t really use shoes in the shala J), that I decided to get help from a Life Purpose mentor.

But maybe…it was when I was around 6 years old that I said my ambition in life was to be a Saint. It kind of still is…Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a saint, right? (I was raised a Catholic)

And what of this “Work in the World?” What does that even mean??? Why the capital letters?
See…there was something that I didn’t put in the list of the last moon’s I BELIEVE IN list.
I believe that each Human alive at this time is here, on planet Earth, for a reason. Not many of us were actually planned by our parents, but it is no accident that we are all here. Each One.
There is Something in you that, when you were born into this world, at some later point in your life, needs to be born through you.

I’m not talking about having kids (although for me, being Ananta Malaya’s mom is an essential “ingredient” for my Something). I’m talking about a Life Project. A Legacy. Your Reason for Being. A Life Purpose. Your Unique and Essential Gift. A Cause. A Dream. Your Divine Role in the World.  A Soul Calling. Call It what you want…but for now I am calling it my Work in the World.

I’m not really sure how I came to use this term, but having been around people who really walk their talk as to their Life Purpose (that which they were born for, and that which they choose)…I see how their Soul Calling permeates EVERY part of their being – how they live & talk, what they eat & do, how they pray, and most importantly (& courageously), what they do for a living is (also the how they earn a living, but what really struck me is the what). This is what has been so inspiring to me.

I’m really lucky, you know. Somehow, in some way, I have come across and learned from world-class rEvolutionaries, successful and inspiring teachers, and most recently…a big-hearted mentor that just didn’t give up on me - I didn’t realize what kind of a commitment actively engaging my Work in the World would involve! (So even while I was coach-whoring it all over the place and I almost ended a wonderful working relationship…that person believed in Me, in my Dream, in my Unique & Essential Gift.)

I’m still not entirely certain what my Work in the World will involve (something about Natural Time? Yoga? Moms & kids?)…but that’s why I’m taking the second step in my mentoring process at the Medicine Tree Center. My hope is that we all find that person/community/mentor that will believe in us no matter what, so we can attain our Purpose, step by step, one day at a time.

How do I attain my Purpose?
1. Set clear intentions – Being the Solar Moon of Intention, I thought this should go first J
2. Don’t be too hard on yourself – Have the patience of a seed…trees don’t grow overnight, and neither will your Life Project!
3. Be proud of what you’ve done so far!
4. Do what needs to be done for the day
5. Le yourself be vulnerable to those closest to you
6. Honor your past and those that have walked with you on your journey, and look forward to the future, even if it is without (some of) them – last day of Medicine Circle round 1
7. Communicate –your thoughts, feelings, and most especially your Dream
8. Learn from others who are actually living their Work in the World – read this blogpost
9. Identify your 3MITs (Most Important To-dos) for the day, and pat yourself on the back when you get it all done J
10. Remember: ONE PROJECT AT A TIME – zoning in on finishing Creative Project #1: Making Mothers Visible Puerto Vallarta (MMV-PV)
11. Keep on working on your project (no S – singular!), even if it’s moving at a snail’s pace
12. Give yourself a break and enjoy your day off! – michelada de camaron, yo!J
13. Be financially responsible
14. Prize your efforts
15. Follow UP!
16. Meditate on the Light in you
17. Admit when you’re burnt-out and take steps to nurture yourself <3 – a better version of this is: take care of yourself so you don’t get burn-out!
18. Get emotionally connected to your goals so they’re not just something to check off your To Do list – that was my take away from a session with Mommy Coach T
19. To generate excitement (yours and theirs), update others on your projects – after gaining momentum on MMV-PV, posted on its FB wall
20. Let others help you, eve in you don’t ask out right
21. Bask in the Moonlight – slept on my Yoga mat, under the light of Grandmother Moon…o yeah! J
22. Don’t be scared to take the second step – Heart Transmission received after Sacred Business Intensive Webinar #2
23. Let your Work in the World permeate your daily life – from the time you wake up, on the bus, during your day job (if you’re still not fully immersed in your Work in the World), and until the moment you sleep…
24. Talk about your Vision – even if it sounds crazy (being the Mother of the Next Enlightened One…hello?)...talking about your Vision keeps the fire in your Heart burning, and just might inspire those you’re talking to
25. Take note of the messages in your dreams – dreams aren’t just dreams…they’re messages from the Realm of Mystery
26. Share your experiences, aspirations & plans, and if you must cry while doing so, let the sea within you flow
27. Its unimportant if you don’t know what kind of Tree you’re growing, just keep on tending to the Seed of your Vision – your Work in the World starts will sprout out from the Seed of your Vision…it doesn’t matter if you don’t exactly know what your Humble Offering is…what matters is you cultivate a relationship with your Vision.
28. Know what already supports your Vision, identify where you need help…and take steps to get it! – saying yes to  Medicine Circle 2, yo!

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