My baby girl isn't a baby anymore! :S J <3
Malaya turned 3 on gregorian june 3rd...and 3, to me, means the official entry
to childhood.
In my world I feel its important to mark important milestones in life with a "rite of
passage," so I celebrated her in a slightly larger way this year. And
while it didn’t happen exactly as I originally pictured it to was the
perfect birthday #3. J
in Mexico, when a child turns 3 parents have a (Catholic) mass held in the name
of the boy/girl; in some parts of the country it probably would've been a
Temazcal. I am sure in other cultures there is some kind of celebration to
mark the transition from infancy to childhood as well...maybe a naming
ceremony, the first haircut, etc...
the sake of comparison…moons before, I dreamed up throwing this big party in
the garden-front of our apartment building, inviting all the important adults
in her life along with her little friends from daycare; maybe even the neighbors
we don’t know so well. There was to be games, non-candy giveaways (aka bolos),
clowns and acrobatic entertainment…basically, the whole shebang.
to the date, I instead planned for a Dolphin Encounter for Ananta & myself,
where at the same time our housemates would be doing the Dolphin Swim Adventure.
I imagined the entire PV family would be with us (which is not a lot…that’s
just my mom, brother, sister, and nephew), all of us having some fun in the sun
at the waterpark afterwards. This was to be on the sun-day before her b-day. I
still kept dreaming about having a traditional piñata + choco-flan cake + bolos
at daycare on her birthday itself…
the day itself though, this is what really happened: it was just Ananta & I
that went to the waterpark, and when we were done enjoying the kiddie pool after
our dolphin swim, my sister & mom picked us up. Later we all had lunch with
my nephew, and Ananta blew the candle of her sprinkle-topped cupcake at my
sister’s house. (I <3 family!)
happy 3rd |
blow your candle out, baby-cakes! |
On the day of her birthday itself, I dressed her up in a long/princessy
type dress. In school Ananta blew the #3 candle of a 3-leches cake a
friend had bought her. There was also a Tinkerbell piñata and another clown
one, filled with candies I would never have thought of buying myself (courtesy
of a friend), while the bolos I prepared for the kids were filled with candies I chose myself. The ones for the teachers were specially made star-shaped cookies
made by our Russian friend...with a note thanking them for being part of "A&a Village" (re: IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD)
the long, princessy dress |
little fairies |
After the piñata at daycare, I sat-in in Ananta's class activities...seeing her in action/observing the teacher + their activities. I played with the kids...sitting on the mat, being silly, letting my daughter paint my face, joking around with the other kids, versus "just watching them" until cake was finally served.
was a blast! To see how each child is different in the way they interact and
participate was an eye-opener…and of course I was proud to see that
my Little One is actually one of those kids that follows instructions, and even
helps her buddies after she’s done doing her part! (I guess not all have developed the necessary skills to do the activity yet, or some kids
just don’t do the activity at all!J)
bday #3 was a very made-up rite of passage...but it was very meaningful
and important to me as I wanted to celebrate her in a way that I hope she will
remember when she is older. But more than that...a celebration of 3 years of her
life is, for me, is also a commemoration of 3 years of Motherhood.
belated happy birthday to you, Love-Bug...and happy 3rd year of Mothering to
Thanks for being part of your village.J